Posted on May 19, 2014
PORTLAND-State Rep. Christie Carpino (Cromwell & Portland) is excited to announce a $363,000 state grant for the Town of Portland for the Riverfront Park on Brownstone Avenue project. The State Bond Commission will meet soon to allocate the state funds.
The state Small Town Economic Assistance Grant (STEAP) would go towards the final phase of the Riverfront project. The final phase will enhance the riverfront parcel with amenities designed to accommodate the many visitors who visit Riverfront Park including customers of the Brownstone Exploration and Discovery Park.
Carpino said, “This state grant is a massive boost for the town of Portland. This final phase of the Riverfront project will provide significant economic benefit to the small businesses that line Portland’s Main Street.”
The Final STEAP phase 4 project will include the installation of water and sewer connections to the pavilion, completion of the unfinished storage/utility room and free standing handicapped accessible restroom facilities. Additionally, there will be construction of a permanent band shell cover over the existing amphitheater stage, with a driveway to the pavilion and the installation of additional outdoor amenities.
The Park is a public-private partnership between the Town of Portland and Brownstone. Since the contract between Portland and Brownstone was signed in 2006, the Town has received $1,130,029 which is 15% of gate receipts.