Rep. Fishbein Opposes Firearm Permit Fee Increases
Posted on March 9, 2017

State Representative Craig Fishbein (R-90) today testified before the legislature’s Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee to voice his strong opposition to Governor Malloy’s proposal to substantially increase firearm permit fees.
Senate Bill 787 – An Act Concerning Revenue Items To Implement The Governor’s Budget – includes provisions to raise the current firearm carry permit application fee from $140 to $370 and raise the current renewal fee from $70 to $300.
“The governor’s proposal to raise the permit fees is clearly an attempt to suppress a Constitutional right of Connecticut citizens,” Rep. Fishbein said. “Instead of focusing on cutting state spending, consolidating duplicative government offices and agencies or restructuring the failed policies that led Connecticut to another massive deficit he chose to raise fees on law-abiding citizens who own firearms.”
The administration has claimed the permit fee increases were to offset administrative costs, and are in line with those in New York City. However, the proposed fees far outpace surrounding states’ fee structures and according to testimony from Office of Policy and Management Secretary Barnes would more than cover the administrative costs to process permit requests and renewals. New York State’s fee ranges between $100 and $130 for initial application with free renewals; Rhode Island’s cost $40; Massachusetts’s cost $100 for 6 years; New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine do not even require a permit and do not require any fee.
“At a time when Connecticut should be concerned with retaining current residents, not to mention attracting new residents, outpricing the cost of permit fees from neighboring states is shortsighted,” Rep. Fishbein said. “Businesses in our state have repeatedly pleaded with the legislature for common sense and this bill would further burden the citizens of Connecticut.”