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CT House and Senate Republicans Offer Ideas to Provide Consumers Relief on Electric Bills

As Connecticut residents are opening up their January electricity bills, Connecticut Republicans today unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers. “It’s time for majority party Democrats who control the energy agenda to acknowledge what utility ratepayers and analysts have made clear: their entire approach to energy policy, rooted in flawed…

Candelora Discusses Impact of Credit Rating Downgrades for Utilities

House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora spoke to the news media today about the impact of recent credit rating downgrades of companies that provide electric, natural gas, and water service to Connecticut residents while also urging Governor Lamont to round out appointments to the Public Utilities and Regulatory (PURA). Watch a summary of the news conference:

House & Senate Republicans React to Examination of CSCU Spending Patterns

CT Republican House and Senate Lawmakers today provided reactions regarding the Comptroller’s report on the CT State Colleges and Universities Special Examination. Connecticut Republican minority leaders Rep. Vincent J. Candelora and Sen. Stephen Harding said: “Make no mistake—this is a black eye for the State of Connecticut. While we appreciate Comptroller Scanlon’s proposals to address…

CT House and Senate Republicans Offer Ideas to Provide Consumers Relief on Electric Bills

As Connecticut residents are opening up their January electricity bills, Connecticut Republicans today unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers. “It’s time for majority party Democrats who control the energy agenda to acknowledge what utility ratepayers and analysts have made clear: their entire approach to energy policy, rooted in flawed…

Candelora Discusses Impact of Credit Rating Downgrades for Utilities

House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora spoke to the news media today about the impact of recent credit rating downgrades of companies that provide electric, natural gas, and water service to Connecticut residents while also urging Governor Lamont to round out appointments to the Public Utilities and Regulatory (PURA). Watch a summary of the news conference:

House & Senate Republicans React to Examination of CSCU Spending Patterns

CT Republican House and Senate Lawmakers today provided reactions regarding the Comptroller’s report on the CT State Colleges and Universities Special Examination. Connecticut Republican minority leaders Rep. Vincent J. Candelora and Sen. Stephen Harding said: “Make no mistake—this is a black eye for the State of Connecticut. While we appreciate Comptroller Scanlon’s proposals to address…

Rep. Marra to Co-Chair Taskforce on Prescription Drugs

State Representative Tracy Marra is among co-chairs of a just-launched Prescription Drug Task Force comprised of lawmakers, industry experts, patients, advocates and pharmacists that will dig into the wide range of factors that drive the cost of prescription medications. Check out her comments during today’s news conference.

CT House and Senate Republicans Offer Ideas to Provide Consumers Relief on Electric Bills

As Connecticut residents are opening up their January electricity bills, Connecticut Republicans today unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers. “It’s time for majority party Democrats who control the energy agenda to acknowledge what utility ratepayers and analysts have made clear: their entire approach to energy policy, rooted in flawed…

Candelora Discusses Impact of Credit Rating Downgrades for Utilities

House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora spoke to the news media today about the impact of recent credit rating downgrades of companies that provide electric, natural gas, and water service to Connecticut residents while also urging Governor Lamont to round out appointments to the Public Utilities and Regulatory (PURA). Watch a summary of the news conference:

House & Senate Republicans React to Examination of CSCU Spending Patterns

CT Republican House and Senate Lawmakers today provided reactions regarding the Comptroller’s report on the CT State Colleges and Universities Special Examination. Connecticut Republican minority leaders Rep. Vincent J. Candelora and Sen. Stephen Harding said: “Make no mistake—this is a black eye for the State of Connecticut. While we appreciate Comptroller Scanlon’s proposals to address…


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